Monday, March 23, 2009

Why we're doing it...

The Hopkins reputation

  • The Johns Hopkins University is heavily focused on health-related fields, and the School of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world.
  • Hopkins ought to establish policies that emphasize good health and protect students from the known hazards of secondhand smoke.
  • By banning smoking on campus, Hopkins will set an important precedent by protecting students from the dangerous chemicals and carcinogens in secondhand smoke.

Student support

  • Many students, faculty and staff on the Homewood campus have voiced their opinions supporting the ban of smoking.
  • Over 820 students, faculty members, and staff have signed a petition supporting a 100% campus-wide ban on smoking.
    – These signatures were ascertained in less than twenty hours.

National recommendations

  • The American College Health Association has recently released an official statement on tobacco on American college and university campuses, strongly urging campuses to move toward a tobacco-free environment. Our current efforts are focused on smoke-free campuses (smokeless tobacco permitted), but are willing to support tobacco-free if deemed necessary.
  • The media has taken notice of this trend for over two years now. The American Cancer Society urges campuses to be leaders in this trend rather than waiting to become followers.


  1. A smoke free campus infringes on our rights. All persons should have the right to choose to smoke outdoors. And the Hopkins campus is an outdoors campus.

  2. It's also a privately owned outdoor area. By choosing to attend Hopkins, we are bound to follow their policies.



This blog is not meant to be a comprehensive alternative to the formal HKB Smoke-free Campus Policy Proposal. If you would like more information regarding data and research, or to request a copy of the formal proposal in its current state, please do not hesitate to contact HKB at We are more than happy to supply you with any supporting documentation and further explainations.